Our Story
Sertoma was originally formed in 1912 as the Stand Together club. At the first luncheon, they changed the name to the CoOperative Club. In 1950, the name changed to Sertoma at the international convention because the Government objected to Cooperative name since it was not a consumer cooperative.
In 1992, Arapahoe (the club that built 12 clubs in 12 years) was 40 years old and believed that women should be in Sertoma clubs. So, Sam Anderson, Past International President and others invited a number of local women to join together and form Dry Creek. The club chartered with 42 members. The first major hands-on project was hearing testing of newborns at Littleton Hospital and the 1st major fundraiser was the grilled corn booth at Western Welcome Week.

It's what we do!
Mother's Day bags
Project Linus blankets

IFCS Thanksgiving boxes
Arapahoe Santa Shop Toys

Socialize & Learn
Meetings don't have to be boring!

But they can get passionate.
We get all kinds of speakers, such
as Captain Jack here.
Fundraisers are great social events,

And some are outside.

especially the Winter Wonderland auction