The program committee arranges for interesting, informative, educational or entertaining presentations at our breakfast club meetings.
Examples of speakers who have presented to us information about their organizations:
Kids' Hope USA - relaying what they do to help kids feel loved and valued enabling them to learn, grow, and succeed.
Doctors' Care - volunteer care coordinator sharing stories on how our work with them has impacted others
Arapahoe Rescue Patrol - youth sharing their lives and involvement with the rescue patrol
Denver Indian Family Resource Center - representative providing us with the history and activities of this non-profit organization
And there's always time to grow or just enjoy each other from:
Joyocracy - career coach providing us with fun happiness techniques
Ex chemistry teacher - showing off some great experiments
Fellow Serto(wo)man - playing games that increase our knowledge of each other; learning more about our club; listening to and working with other club, district, or national members